Studying ART in College

      So first and foremost let me begin by saying that I am a firm believer that college or any educational institute with the exception of trade school or an actual concentration school is a business first and cares very little about the students' future... anyone try to convince you otherwise either works for the school or owns one.  What I mean by that is that it's not what it used to be where you would go to a pricey university and almost be guaranteed a job after graduating. So after years of applying to jobs that go no where because you have no experience and no good references most people decide "maybe i need to go back for my masters?" Well let me not get into that. What I wanna write about is my own experience being an Art major in a University. 

     Don't get me wrong, I love school, especially the art department. The energy the smell of dried up paint, it just moves me, it is a breath of fresh air, with that being said there are also things that kill my vibe. To give you an idea of where I'm coming from I'll explain my college resume. I've studied in about three different colleges, all of them with a concentration in art. The first two were community colleges, which funny enough i felt i got more out of than the university art classes. In total, I can honestly say I've taken about 6 art history courses 6 painting Studio classes, 5 drawing studio and 1 sculpting class. Everything else was miscellaneous... everything from Screen Printing to Philosophy of art. Half of these college credits were not transferable from school to school. Why am i doing this to myself? Well I can afford to fuck around and take all the classes i want. I'm a War veteran that has the luxury of having the government pay for my entire school tuition and because I have a real good day job as well, which is basically my bread and butter, i can learn whatever i see fit without the stress of figuring out how I will afford my education/ lifestyle. I came to this conclusion the minute i realized I wanted to be a full fledged artist. I didn't want to spend 4 years of my already half spent life painting "school assignments". I came to learned what I lacked in and took what I needed. 

     Every professor I've studied under has taught me something different, I can keep going on for a few more semesters to complete my BFA but I fear I'm running out of NEW things to learn. Maybe its the school? I've humored studying abroad...Don't get it twisted, I am far from believing that i know it all, because I don't...and if you think you do, you don't. Everything I've learned in school is applied to all of my current art to this day, i just think life experience is my next path right now.. so for those studying art, keep studying! Learn all you can until you feel you can move to something more personal. School can teach you a lot but it will never teach you what kind of artist you are or will be. If you don't have the drive to be unique then don't waste your time. Art nowadays is all about originality, presentation and hype.. shit you don't even have to be good. If you can't wow your audience with something different then you will only be a painter... and painters are a dime a dozen. Any swinging dick or Nancy can paint, but to be an artist... it's like being the Shamwow guy. You need to convince the world that what you create is worth attention. Everyone has goals but not every artist has the same. I feel like most the artists I know want money and fame... that bores me.. My goal? To impress the artist I was yesterday. I want my art to make money obsolete. I want to be a message, a new way of thinking. Only then will i feel like it was all worth it.


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