Enabler X ANRK
I’m torn.. I am currently living the balance act I once described in my past blog. In this act I need to raise funds to support my art, so I took a commisioned art piece. What’s great about this piece was that the client wanted me to have full artistic freedom to paint whatever i wanted and he would pay for it. He even gave me a deposit! No red flags were present so I took the job and came up with The Enabler. Took a few weeks to accomplish but it was executed fairly easily and it was quite fun making it. There is a huge difference when it’s original art from me versus an idea someone else has. USUALLY, the idea sucks and its not because its not MY idea. It’s usually because the imagination of a regular person compared to a creative works very differently.
When I took Philosophy of Art the first time (i took it twice with two different professors) I didn’t retain much with this professor because he would put me to sleep, but there was one subject that really stuck to me that I will never forget. He said that Aristotle described Artists to be one step above human and one step below God. I liked this a lot, not because I have some sort of God complex or anything, more because I felt what Aristotle was saying even before it was explained. To create something from nothing is a real talent back in the day it was only work of the divine… or Satan but mere humans can’t just create.. you had to be something special, someone apart from the others. When I meet other artists its like we speak a different language but it all means the same, whether you are a performance artist or a painter or singer, we all share a special mindset above regular ass people.
So going back to what I was saying, ideas are great or sound great to just you or maybe a handful of people because either its simple, familiar, or easy. MY ideas either make you mad or make you feel something because i’m putting original thought into your stimuli. That’s pretty much the gist. Now because it was such a success he asked me to make him another piece, this time he wants Kobe and MJ… he sent me a picture. I don’t usually do this but i feel compelled given the fact that he trusted me enough to make something original for him, which he paid very handsomely for i might add. So I’m doing it. I think it will come out very well, thats not what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid that once i post it I will be flooded with more requests from randos who never bought art in their life, that want ikea shit. I will put money on it…guaranteed, and guess what I aint fuckin doin it lol.