Why I don't do commission work, and why I don't give a Shit about your money..
Someone recently asked me to make him a commission piece... Now because of my schedule and my Collection in Progress I told him it would have to wait until after the next artshow. He still gave me a deposit and told me he didn't care when but that his only request was for me to do whatever i felt like doing, no pressure, pure artistic freedom. In the past I have gotten requests before but none like this. He approached me pretty humbled and respectfully. I liked that off the bat but the problem was never that. In the past, during my earlier years as an artist I've had people give me super vague requests... I hate that. I've learned that if the client doesn't know what they want then how the fuck am I supposed to know.
I've had a couple of situations like this and it goes without saying that it ended with me backing out of the job. I feel like if my heart isn't in it then it's trash and if I think it's trash I can't sell it to you. My reputation is on the line the minute I sign off a piece. I can't have half ass paintings circulating around, not going to happen. So i decided a long time ago that unless you're a friend, family or hardcore fan I will not make you anything by request. Your ideas are usually horrible and unoriginal so don't even come at me with shit unless its up my alley. Also when does a painting stop being art?
I feel like unless it truly comes from me (or any artist in general) then its just a painting. I don't paint for money... that's probably the biggest misconception people have of me. It will sound like bullshit but I honestly don't charge much at all.. not compared to other artists and the reason above all reasons is simply... I believe everyone should own an original work of art. "Well if its a really good piece that you put time into you should get what it's worth." Sure. I really don't think about it that way tho.. Am I crazy? I want every piece I make to find its owner and if it doesn't I usually paint over it.. insane right? I don't think I can really put a price on anything, not a conventional price the ART WORLD would deem acceptable. Fuck it, I want it to go to someone who will love it more than I do. That's priceless to me. The people that go as far as buying my pieces have it hanging in their HOMES! That's the shit! Think about it. Their kids will grow up looking at the painting like a part of their childhood. It's a big fucking honor to me.
If you've met me in real life, you would get it immediately. That money and fame shit, to me, is too cliche. It's boring. I want my art to transcend. I want that shit to survive the apocalypse. Money ain't shit to me.. I have an actual job, I'm retired military... I'm not starving. I'm trying to shake shit up and watch it all turn into a shit show. Show me something REAL. If you are real I'ma just give you a piece whether you want it or not cuz that's how i function. I want you to remember me for being the nicest asshole you've ever met.